Career Development
Children with Chronic Conditions
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
General Pediatrics
Medical Education
Mental Health
David Turner, MD (he/him/his)
Vice President, Competency-Based Medical Education
American Board of Pediatrics
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
Description: Competency-based medical education (CBME) is an approach to education and assessment designed to meet the needs of our patients. These needs of our patients are defined using Entrustable Professional Activities, or EPAs, which are an important component of CBME that define the essential activities of the profession that must be performed (e.g., care for a well newborn; care for patients with common, acute problems). These professional activities reflect care that patients need. During training, curricula and assessment must focus on the ability to execute these EPAs with progressively less supervision, and ultimately as part of practice without supervision. The pediatrics and pediatric subspecialty communities, in partnership with the American Board of Pediatrics, have created EPAs that define the practice of general pediatrics and the subspecialties.
In this session, the general principles of CBME will be outlined and a leader from the American Board of Pediatrics will describe the process for developing and defining our specialty using EPAs. The session will include a description of how these EPAs can be used as a framework for lifelong learning from training through practice. The session will also include a description of how EPAs and CBME can be used to identify and address both individual and program gaps. The session will then conclude with a description of the development of a national curriculum focused on addressing educational gaps in behavioral and mental health based on the behavioral and mental health EPA developed by the community.
Speaker: David A. Turner, MD (he/him/his) – American Board of Pediatrics
Speaker: Ariel Winn, MD (she/her/hers) – Boston Children's Hospital
Speaker: Sue E. Poynter, MD, MEd – Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center