Bernadette Chen Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Principal Investigator The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital
Hsiao Neng Chen MD Changhua Christian Children Hospital
Patricia R Chess MD, MS HPE University of Rochester
Laura Costa Global Medical Affairs Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A.
Alicia Cousins MD University Hospitals-Rainbow Babies and Children's
Priya Creed MD Indiana University
Kelly Crossley B.Sc (Hons) PhD Hudson Institute of Medical Research & Monash University
Kristen Dandurand Chiesi
Narendra Dereddy MD AdventHealth for Children
Julie Dillard Neonatologist UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Jo Duara MD, MPH University of Miami
Laurie Eldredge Assistant Professor Seattle Children's Hospital and University of Washington School of Medicine
Patrick Ethington DO Ebeid Children's Hospital
Hailey Evans MD NYU Langone Health
Maria Elisabeth FAASE MD Trinity Health
Maheen Farooq MD Staten Island University Hospital
John Gamelin Vice President Sentec, Inc.
Meena Garg MD David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Andrew Gill BM University of Western Australia
Serena Gomirato Medicine and Surgery NICU-Ca' Foncello Hospital
Dhruv Gupta Medical Director Pediatrix Medical Group of El Paso
Venkata Gupta Neonatal-Perinatal Fellow Northwell Health
Matthew Harer Neonatologist University of Wisconsin
Srirupa Hari Gopal MBBS Baylor College of Medicine
Audrey Hebert MD, MHSc, FRCPC CHU de Quebec - Université Laval
Martha Hinton MSc University of Manitoba
Suma Hoffman Neonatologist Children's National Hospital
LISA JASIN DNP, NNP-BC Dayton Children's Hospital
Priscilla Joe MD UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
Dinushan Kaluarachchi MD University of Wisconsin - Madison
Takahiro Kanzawa PhD student Nagoya University
Trix Katz MD Emma Children's Hospital
Roberta Keller MD University of California-San Francisco
Virginia Sison Kharasch MD Franciscan Childrens Hospital
Ashraf Kharrat MD MSc(HQ) FRCPC Mount Sinai Hospital
Nadine Kibbi MD University of Iowa
Anna Kidman PhD University of Melbourne
Ryan Kilpatrick MD Duke University
Christina Kim MD Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital
PRABHAKAR KOCHERLAKOTA MD Montefiore St Lukes's Cornwall Hospital
Mahesh Kotwal MD Valleywise Health Medical Center
Stella Kourembanas MD Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Jeanne Krick MD, MA Brooke Army Medical Center
Parvathy krishnan fellow Westchester Medical Center/ New York Medical College
Vasantha Kumar MD John R Oishei Children's Hospital
Michael Kuzniewicz MPH Kaiser Permanante Northern California
Edmund LaGamma Prof Peds, Biochem & Molec Bio, Chief, Newborn Med Maria Fareri Children's Hospital
Danielle Lee, MD CSL Mallinkcrodt Pharmaceuticals
Sandra Leibel MD UCSD
Shannon Leland Clinical Fellow Boston Children's Hospital
Tina Leone Associate Professor of Pediatrics Columbia University
Yuh Jyh Lin MD National Cheng Kung University Hospital
Ellina Liptsen MD CPMG
Nicole Lock Neonatal-Perinatal Fellow University of Virginia Health System
KarMan Low MD, FAAP University of Oklahoma
Gillian MacLean Neonatologist Queen’s University
Kartikeya Makker MD MPH Johns Hopkins
Erica Mandell Associate Professor University of Colorado School of Medicine
David McCulley MD University of California San Diego
Yohei Minamitani MD Department of Pediatrics, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University
James Moore MD, PhD University of Connecticut
Shiran Sara Moore Neonatologist, Neonatal Hemodynamics Dana Dwek Children's Hospital, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Michelle Muir BNhons MSc Fisher and Paykel Healthace
Ali Nadroo MD Chief Division of Neonatology NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital Weill Cornell Medicine
Harshitha Naidu BS UC Davis Health
Fumihiko Namba MD, PhD Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Japan
Tala Nasr Brack MD Pediatrix
Sara Neches Fellow University of Washington & Seattle Children's Hospital
Tetyana H Nesterenko MD Cleveland Clinic Children’s
Ava Nykiforuk B.Sc. University of Manitoba
Claudia Ocampo-Chih Clinical Fellow Vanderbilt University
Ashley Osborne Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellow Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Pratik Parikh MD Baylor College of Medicine
Gary Pasternack MD, PhD Asklepion Pharmaceuticals LLCC
Mahati Pidaparti Fellow IU School of Medicine
Weston Powell Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Fellow University of Washington/Seattle Children's Hospital
Alice Proto MD ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda
Qianqi Qiu Master of Medicine Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center
Munmun Rawat MD University at Buffalo
Kati Renko MD, PhD student Oulu University Hospital
John Rivituso BSRC, RRT-NPS Chiesi USA
Charles ROEHR MD, PhD University of Oxford
Rosalina Dewi Roeslani Consultant Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Ashleigh Rushing MD University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hemmen Sabir MD University Hospital Bonn
Meera Sankar MD Stanford University
Sunil Sati MBBS Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Laura Seppälä MD,PhD Tampere University Hospital
Rochelle Sequeira Gomes MD Nemours Children's Health
Arun Sett MBBS (Hons) CCPU FRACP The Royal Women's Hospital / Joan Kirner Women's and Children's
Puneet Sharma Clinical Fellow Boston Children's Hospital
Rupin Sharma MD University of Kentucky
Jeffrey Shenberger MD Wake Forest School of Medicine
Ashley Sherwood MD Community Neonatal Associates at Holy Cross Hospital
Billie Short MD Children's National Hospital
Roopa Siddaiah M.B.B.S, F.A.A.P Penn State Health Hershey Children's Hospital
nalini singhal FRCPS, FAAP, MD, MBBS university of calgary
Amy Sloane Attending Neonatologist Nemours Children's Health/Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Clara Song Associate Physician Southern California Permanente Medical Group
William Stafford MD University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Katherine Stumpf MD UTSW
David Tingay MD PhD Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Trent Tipple Professor and Chief, Section of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Oklahoma Children's Hospital / University of Oklahoma
Carrie Torr Assistant Professor University of Utah
Christie Traynor Masters of Science Northwell Health CCMC
Helen Turner MBChB (Hons) NHS Lothian
Björn Valentijn Clinical Training Manager Concord Neonatal B.V.
Rebecca Vartanian MD C S Mott Children's Hospital
Sergio Vega Felow Universidad de Concepcion
Silvia Vendramin Medicine and Surgery NICU
Maximo Vento MD, PhD Health Research Institute La Fe
Sandra Wai Neonatologist UCSF BCH Oakland
Myra Wyckoff MD UT Southwestern Medical Center
Sushmita Yallapragada Associate Professor UT Southwestern/ Children’s Medical Center Dallas
Ge Yang M.D. Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center
Yun Hsiang Yang master National Cheng Kung University hospital
Zaki Yazdi Neonatology Fellow UAB
Tsu Yeh MD., PhD. Taipei Medical University
Karen Young MD MS University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Yuan Yuan MD,MPH Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center
Huayan Zhang MD Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Lu Zheng phd Children’s Hospital of Fudan University